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Aug 11, 2009

comScore Introduces Ad Metrix Service in Canada to Provide Competitive Intelligence on Online Display Advertising Campaigns

TORONTO, Aug 11, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today announced the introduction of comScore Ad Metrix in Canada, a breakthrough service in digital media campaign planning and buying that provides comprehensive insights into where display ads are viewed online and the demographic composition of the audiences reached. The service captures multiple varieties of display advertising, including static banners, rich media and video ads.


Ad Metrix includes several modules that provide actionable data and supply valuable insights into the online advertising market:

    --  Ad Metrix Publisher provides competitive insights into where marketers
        are spending their ad dollars online and what share of the market each
        publisher captures
    --  Ad Metrix Advertiser provides information at  the advertiser and product
        level to provide intelligence on which publisher sites individual
        advertisers are utilizing for their campaigns as well as the actual
        creative used

    --  Ad Metrix Demographics provides insights into the demographics of
        Internet users who are exposed to advertising, providing person-level
        intelligence on the placement and reach of ads

"comScore Ad Metrix provides the Canadian market with the most comprehensive online advertising measurement service that accurately accounts for the number of online display ads viewed and links those views to actual Internet users, offering vital competitive intelligence for digital ad campaigns," said Brent Bernie, president of comScore Media Metrix, comScore Canada. "The introduction of Ad Metrix - along with comScore's existing services Brand Metrix and Campaign Metrix - completes the trifecta of online ad effectiveness solutions in Canada and empowers the media planning community with all the tools necessary for top-to-bottom digital campaign planning and evaluation."

comScore Ad Metrix provides an array of online display ad metrics and capabilities, including:

    --  Total display ad impressions
    --  Share of ad impressions by site content category
    --  Ad clutter
    --  Advertising-exposed unique visitors
    --  Reach and frequency
    --  GRPs
    --  Publisher-level demographics

    --  View of the actual creative used

comScore Ad Metrix Canada reporting will be available in September with August 2009 data. Campaign Metrix, which allows for person-level measurement of online campaigns, and Brand Metrix, which provides a comprehensive view of an online ad campaign's branding effectiveness, are both available now.

For more information on comScore Ad Metrix in Canada or other advertising intelligence products, please contact us at:

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comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence. For more information, please visit

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