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Sep 15, 2009

Online Gaming Audience in Japan Jumps 28 Percent in Past Year Reaching Record Numbers

TOKYO, Sept 15, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released a study of online gaming in Japan finding that the gamer population is growing rapidly, surging 28 percent over the past year to 16.5 million visitors in July 2009, and reaching nearly one fourth of Japan's online population.


"As a growing number of people turn to the Internet as an entertainment channel, many online gaming sites have seen their traffic levels swell to record numbers," said Maru Sato, managing director of comScore Japan. "Online gaming has not only captured a growing number of visitors, but also shows some of the highest levels of engagement on the Web with users averaging more than an hour on gaming sites in July."

Online Gaming Sites Lure Increasing Number of Visitors in 2009

The number of visitors to the online gaming category in Japan rose 28 percent during the past year to nearly 16.5 million visitors. Yahoo! Games led the category with 4.8 million visitors, up 13 percent from the previous year. captured the #2 spot with 3 million visitors, followed by with 2.5 million visitors (up 42 percent). Gamepot Inc. (up 37 percent) and Goo Games (up 77 percent) also witnessed significant growth.

      Top Online Gaming Sites in Japan by Unique Visitors
      July 2009
      Total Japanese Internet Audience*, Age 15+ - Home & Work Locations
      Source: comScore World Metrix
                                              Total Unique Visitors (000)
                                              Jul-       Jul-        %
                                              2008       2009      Change
                                              ----       ----      ------
    Total Internet : Total Audience          56,786     66,868         18
    ----------------------                   ------     ------         --
    Online Gaming                            12,817     16,466         28
    -------------                            ------     ------         --
    Yahoo! Games                              4,279      4,835         13
    ------------                              -----      -----         --
    HANGAME.CO.JP                             3,698      2,995        -19
    -------------                             -----      -----        ---
    WAZAP.COM                                 1,738      2,475         42
    ---------                                 -----      -----         --
    Nexon Corporation                         1,922      1,682        -13
    -----------------                         -----      -----        ---
    CHIBICON.NET                              1,102        978        -11
    ------------                              -----        ---        ---
    DQIX.JP                                     N/A        922        N/A
    -------                                     ---        ---        ---
    Gamepot Inc.                               493        675         37
    ------------                                ---        ---         --
    Goo Games                                   360        638         77
    ---------                                   ---        ---         --
    GAMANIA.CO.JP                               605        592         -2
    -------------                               ---        ---         --
    MSN Games                                   594        546         -8
    ---------                                   ---        ---         --

    *Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or
     access from mobile phones or PDAs.

Online Gaming Sites Witness Strong Engagement Among Users

In July, visitors to gaming sites each spent an average of 76 minutes on the sites and frequented them an average of eight times, making gaming one of the most engaging activities on the Web. Of the most trafficked gaming sites, led as the most engaging with its visitors averaging 2 hours on the site and visiting the site 11 times throughout the month. Yahoo! Games, the most visited online gaming destination, was also home to heavy gamers who spent an average of 1 hour and 15 minutes on the site during the month.

Other sites witnessing heavy usage included Nexon Corporation (44 minutes per visitor and 8 visits per visitor), Gamepot Inc. (53 minutes per visitor and 10 visits per visitor), and (24 minutes per visitor and 5 visits per visitor).

      Top Online Gaming Sites in Japan by Unique Visitors and Engagement
      July 2009
      Total Japanese Internet Audience*, Age 15+ - Home & Work Locations
      Source: comScore World Metrix
                             Total     Average     Average
                            Unique     Minutes      Visits
                           Visitors      per          per
                             (000)     Visitor      Visitor
                             -----     -------      -------
    Total Internet :
     Total Audience         66,868     1,087.4        42.1
    ----------------        ------     -------        ----
    Online Gaming           16,466        76.2         8.1
    -------------           ------        ----         ---
    Yahoo! Games             4,835        83.1         3.6
    ------------             -----        ----         ---
    HANGAME.CO.JP            2,995       117.9        11.0
    -------------            -----       -----        ----
    WAZAP.COM                2,475         2.4         2.2
    ---------                -----         ---         ---
    Nexon Corporation        1,682        43.6         8.4
    -----------------        -----        ----         ---
    CHIBICON.NET               978         0.7         1.9
    ------------               ---         ---         ---
    DQIX.JP                    922         3.1         1.6
    -------                    ---         ---         ---
    Gamepot Inc.              675        52.5        10.1
    ------------               ---        ----        ----
    Goo Games                  638        20.4         3.1
    ---------                  ---        ----         ---
    GAMANIA.CO.JP              592        24.3         4.9
    -------------              ---        ----         ---
    MSN Games                  546         4.2         1.7
    ---------                  ---         ---         ---

    *Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or
     access from mobile phones or PDAs.

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