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Oct 14, 2009

Hong Kong Internet Users Spend Twice as Much Time on Instant Messengers as Counterparts in Asia-Pacific Region

HONG KONG, Oct 14, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released its first report on Web usage in Hong Kong. The report provided an overview of the most visited properties in Hong Kong and what activities captured the largest share of visitors' time online. Yahoo! Sites reigned as the most visited Web property in August, while Instant Messenger sites captured the largest share of visitors' minutes, accounting for nearly 16 percent of time spent online in Hong Kong.


"An average Hong Kong Internet user spends more than 25 hours online per month, making it one of the most engaged Internet markets globally," said Will Hodgman, comScore executive vice president for the Asia-Pacific region. "Although Hong Kong is a smaller Internet market in Asia, its highly engaged and affluent audience makes it especially valuable to advertisers and publishers."

Instant Messengers, Entertainment and Social Networking Top Online Activities in Hong Kong

Online communications, entertainment and social networking occupied the highest share of Hong Kong Internet users' attention in August. Instant Messengers accounted for the highest share of minutes spent online at 16 percent, or approximately twice the share of time spent among the Asia-Pacific region as a whole. Internet users in Hong Kong also spent nearly 11 percent of their online time on Entertainment sites, led by and, while Social Networking sites captured almost 8 percent of their time, led by Hong Kong's lively business and finance-focused economy resulted in Internet users spending close to 5 percent of their time on business / finance sites, more than double the region's share of time in the category.

    Top Content Categories by Percent Share of Total Minutes
    August 2009
    Total Hong Kong Internet Audience*, Age 15+ - Home & Work Locations
    Source: comScore World Metrix
                          % Share    % Share
                           of         of
                           Minutes    Minutes    Composition
                           in Hong    in Asia       Index**
    Content Category       Kong       Pacific
    ----------------      --------    -------       ------

    Instant Messengers       15.9%       8.3%          192
    ------------------       ----        ---           ---
    Entertainment            10.7%      10.4%          103
    -------------            ----       ----           ---
    Social Networking         7.7%       8.2%           94
    -----------------         ---        ---            --
    Games                     5.4%       3.5%          154
    -----                     ---        ---           ---
    Business/Finance          4.6%       1.9%          242
    ------------------        ---        ---           ---
    e-mail                    4.3%       4.2%          102
    ------                    ---        ---           ---
    Search/Navigation         2.7%       4.4%           61
    ------------------        ---        ---            --
    News/Information          2.0%       2.8%           71
    ------------------        ---        ---            --
    Technology                1.9%       0.7%          271
    ----------                ---        ---           ---
    Other                    44.8%      55.6%          N/A
    -----                    ----       ----          ----

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.

**Composition Index = % of minutes in Hong Kong/% of minutes for total Asia Pacific x 100; Index of 100 represents parity

Yahoo! Sites Ranks as Top Online Destination in Hong Kong

In August, nearly 4 million people in Hong Kong age 15+ accessed the Internet from their home or work computers. Yahoo! Sites ranked as the most visited Internet property with 3.1 million visitors, reaching 80 percent of the online population in Hong Kong. Microsoft Sites ranked second with 2.6 million visitors, followed by Google Sites with 2.5 million visitors and with 2.1 million visitors.

Community forum site was the most visited local site with 1.5 million visitors, followed by Uwants Sites with 1.4 million visitors. TV Broadcaster Television Broadcasts Limited, which includes, ranked as the 8th most visited site with 1.1 million visitors, while PCCW IMS Limited ranked 11th reaching 20 percent of Hong Kong's Internet population.

    Top Properties in Hong Kong by Unique Visitors
    August 2009
    Total Hong Kong Internet Audience*, Age 15+ - Home & Work Locations
    Source: comScore World Metrix
                               Unique       %
                              Visitors    Reach
                                ------   -------
    Total Internet : Total
     Audience                    3,921     100.0
    ----------------------       -----     -----
    Yahoo! Sites                 3,137      80.0
    ------------                 -----      ----
    Microsoft Sites              2,602      66.4
    ---------------              -----      ----
    Google Sites                 2,535      64.6
    ------------                 -----      ----                 2,094      53.4
    ------------                 -----      ----               1,493      38.1
    --------------               -----      ----
    Uwants Sites                 1,441      36.8
    ------------                 -----      ----
    SINA Corporation             1,114      28.4
    ----------------             -----      ----
    Television Broadcasts
     Limited                     1,107      28.2
    ---------------------        -----      ----
    Wikimedia Foundation
     Sites                         871      22.2
    --------------------           ---      ----
    XANGA.COM                      785      20.0
    ---------                      ---      ----
    PCCW IMS Limited               783      20.0
    ----------------               ---      ---- Inc.                 751      19.2
    --------------                 ---      ----
    HSBC                           740      18.9
    ----                           ---      ----
    Apple Inc.                     720      18.4
    ----------                     ---      ----
    Next Media Interactive
     Ltd.                          686      17.5
    ----------------------         ---      ----
    HKJC.COM                       653      16.7
    --------                       ---      ----
    ON.CC                          640      16.3
    -----                          ---      ----
    TENCENT Inc.                   542      13.8
    ------------                   ---      ----
    CATCATFORUM.COM                533      13.6
    ---------------                ---      ----
    Xunlei Networking              520      13.3
    -----------------              ---      ----

*Excludes visitation from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs.

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comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence. For more information, please visit

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