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Dec 3, 2008

comScore Releases First White Paper Examining PC & Mobile Internet Usage in the U.K.

LONDON, Dec 03, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ --

comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today made available its U.K. PC & Mobile Internet Usage White Paper, providing for the first time, a comparative insight into Internet behavior across the country's mobile and PC Internet screens.


The U.K. paper, which is comScore's first dual-screen publication in any of the global markets it currently tracks, aims to address the key concerns of marketers and content providers operating in this rapidly developing industry, providing:

    --  A trend analysis of PC and mobile Internet growth over the course of
        the past year.
    --  Demographic profiles of these audiences.
    --  Cross-platform trend analysis of key online sectors including social
        networking, search and email usage.
    --  An overview of U.K. smartphone usage, examining subscription rates as
        well as a comprehensive analysis of the most popular online domains
        being visited by this key mobile audience.
    --  A thorough introduction to comScore's new M:Metrics mobile monitoring

PC & Mobile Internet Penetration: Comparative Overview

Key findings from the study include an overview of the relative sizes of the PC and mobile Internet audiences, showing that there were 12.9 million mobile Internet users age 13 and over in the U.K. in July (representing 25 percent of the total U.K. population) compared with 35.2 million PC Internet users age 15 and over (a 70-percent reach).

    PC & Mobile Internet Usage
    Penetration of Total U.K. Country Population, Age 15+
    Total Unique People (000)
    July 2008
    Source: comScore World Metrix/comScore M: Metrics MobiLens Survey

                                                             % Reach of Total
                                        Total Number of      U.K.  Population,
               Audience                   People (000)            Age 15+
    Total U.K. Country Population*          50,619                   100%
    Total PC Internet Users                 35,223                    70%
    Total Mobile Internet Users**           12,882                    25%

    *U.K. office of national statistics, 2007.
    **Mobile Internet audience reach calculated on a 13+ universe.

"This report represents an important benchmark in the evolution of mobile Internet audience measurement," said Herve Le Jouan, Managing Director, comScore Europe. "But beyond this -- we are now at a pivotal stage in the development of the entire online industry, and if any U.K. marketers were still awaiting a sign that the mobile Internet platform has come of age, then the launch of the iPhone 3G certainly provided it. We hope that this research will provide valuable insight for the industry as a whole and promote further understanding of mobile Internet audience behavior as we move into an increasingly converging online world."

The comScore U.K. PC & Mobile Internet White Paper is now available to download for free at:

About comScore

comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital marketing intelligence. For more information, please visit

SOURCE comScore, Inc.

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