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Sep 8, 2009

81 Million Americans Visited a Government Web Site in July

RESTON, Va., Sept 08, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- comScore, Inc. (Nasdaq: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, today released an overview of the government site category, which revealed that more than 81 million Americans visited government sites in July, representing 42 percent of the U.S. Internet audience.


The Department of Commerce (which includes substantial traffic at and the site for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ranked as the most visited federal government Web entity in July with 7.1 million visitors, followed by Web sites for the Department of Education ( with 7 million visitors, the National Institute of Health ( with 6.9 million visitors, the Internal Revenue Service ( with 4.2 million visitors and the Social Security Administration ( with 3.3 million visitors., which did not even exist one year ago, garnered nearly 2.1 million visitors due to the summertime "Cash for Clunkers" incentive. was up 88 percent versus year ago to 1.1 million visitors, as Americans exhibited an interest in the policies and initiatives of newly elected President Barack Obama. Both branches of the legislature also showed impressive gains, with the up 93 percent and up 73 percent, most likely due to the current debate over healthcare reform.

    Top Federal Government Sites
    July 2009 vs. July 2008
    Total U.S. - Home/Work/University Locations
    Source: comScore Media Metrix
                                         Total Unique Visitors (000)
                                       Jul-2008     Jul-2009     % Change
                                       --------     --------     --------
    Total Internet : Total Audience    189,134      195,538            3%
    ----------------------             -------      -------            -
    Government                          81,591       81,221            0%
    ----------                          ------       ------            -
    Department of Commerce*              8,278        7,058          -15%
    ----------------------               -----        -----          ---
    ED.GOV                               5,756        7,008           22%
    ------                               -----        -----           --
    NIH                                  7,841        6,968          -11%
    ---                                  -----        -----          ---
    IRS.GOV                              8,865        4,226          -52%
    -------                              -----        -----          ---
    SSA.GOV                              3,752        3,308          -12%
    -------                              -----        -----          ---
    NASA.GOV                             1,618        2,933           81%
    --------                             -----        -----           --
    USAJOBS.GOV                          2,057        2,652           29%
    -----------                          -----        -----           --
    CDC.GOV                              2,204        2,632           19%
    -------                              -----        -----           --
    STATE.GOV                            1,876        2,277           21%
    ---------                            -----        -----           --
    NPS.GOV                              1,998        2,253           13%
    -------                              -----        -----           --
    CARS.GOV                               N/A        2,083          N/A
    --------                               ---        -----          ---
    USDA.GOV                             1,681        2,034           21%
    --------                             -----        -----           --
    FUELECONOMY.GOV                        646        1,988          208%
    ---------------                        ---        -----          ---
    ARMY.MIL                             1,638        1,828           12%
    --------                             -----        -----           --
    HHS.GOV                              2,297        1,809          -21%
    -------                              -----        -----          ---
    HUD.GOV                              1,459        1,803           24%
    -------                              -----        -----           --
    SENATE.GOV                             878        1,698           93%
    ----------                             ---        -----           --
    USCIS.GOV                            1,282        1,601           25%
    ---------                            -----        -----           --
    BLS.GOV                              1,315        1,462           11%
    -------                              -----        -----           --
    HOUSE.GOV                              714        1,234           73%
    ---------                              ---        -----           --
    WHITEHOUSE.GOV                         604        1,138           88%
    --------------                         ---        -----           --

    *Department of Commerce includes the following government sites receiving
     at least 100,000 unique visitors in July:,,,,,

"The Internet has evolved into an important channel for Americans to interact with the federal government and its agencies," said Dan Lackner, comScore senior vice president. "On January 21, 2009, President Obama issued a directive stating that 'Executive departments and agencies should harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online and readily available to the public.' Federal and state agencies and departments are now investing more heavily in their Web presence, making their sites more citizen-centric and easier to interact with. They are rapidly adopting and adapting best practices from the commercial sector and applying them to their own initiatives."

Demographic Profile of Visitors to Government Category

Visitors to the government site category skew slightly towards females, individuals older than 25 and higher-income households than the average U.S. Internet user. Specifically, females were 5 percent more likely than average to visit the category, while 35-54 year olds were 20 percent more likely, and those in households earning at least $60,000 were 6 percent more likely.

    Demographic Profile of Visitors to Government
    July 2009
    Total U.S. - Home/Work/University Locations
    Source: comScore Media Metrix
                                          Unique      Composition
                                         Visitors       Index*
                                        -----------   -----------
    Total Audience                         100.0           100
    --------------                         -----           ---
        All Males                           49.5            95
        ---------                           ----            --
        All Females                         50.5           105
        -----------                         ----           ---
    Persons - Age
        Persons: 12-24                      19.0            75
        --------------                      ----            --
        Persons: 25-34                      21.5           115
        --------------                      ----           ---
        Persons: 35-54                      41.5           120
        --------------                      ----           ---
        Persons: 55+                        13.0           107
        -----------                         ----           ---
    HH Income (US)
        Under $60K                          48.8            94
        ----------                          ----            --
        $60K+                               51.2           106
        -----                               ----           ---

    *Composition Index = % Composition of Visitors to Government Category / %
     Composition of Total U.S. Internet Audience x 100; Index of 100 indicates
     average representation

Citizen Satisfaction with Government Web Sites

According to a survey recently conducted by comScore, citizens generally give good marks on their experience on government Web sites. Customer satisfaction ratings on government sites ranged from the low 70's to a satisfaction rating of 81 percent for the Department of Education site, As reported by Tim O'Reilly at the eGov Conference on Tuesday, the overall average satisfaction rating was 76 percent, five to ten percentage points behind the top e-commerce sites.

"Government website managers have made strides to improve the content and overall experience of visitors to their websites," added Lackner. "71 percent of those surveyed indicated they would recommend a government site to a friend. As Web site managers embrace the best practices of their commercial counterparts, we can expect to see this gap close."

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